2022 IWCA Convention Registration for Vendors and Participants is HERE!

Hi All,

We wanted to let everyone know the IWCA Convention for 2022 has changed to February 7th – 11th, 2022.

It is at the Rosen Centre Hotel still in Orlando, FL. You can book rooms here for the IWCA discount rate of $144 which is incredibly cheap for the area for a five star hotel.



Early Bird Pricing is still in effect for registrations. The only extra classes are the four PWNA Certification Courses you’ll need to add on and pay for. The IWCA Courses, RDS Training, OSHA 1910, Paver Sealing and Cleaning, Lift Training are all free with a full registration. The trade show Wednesday and Thursday hours are absolutely free if you only come for that. You just have to leave a business card in the bowl by the door to enter.

Members can register for convention here. $249 per person. $75 each for the awards banquet.

Nonmembers can register for convention here.  $525 per person (Membership is only $199 per year – sign up and then save money on the convention ticket! https://members.iwca.org/membership-account/membership-levels/.) $125 each for the awards banquet.

If you are a vendor and need to pay for your booth, you can do that here. If you don’t have a booth yet and see one you want on the layout below, you can choose here and pay today for it.

The rough draft of the schedule is here – IWCA2022Schedule w PWNA (1)

The Trade Show Layout  – IWCA 2022_Aug31_Exhibit Floorplan with Vendors in If any potential vendors are interested in booth spaces, you can email us at info@iwca.org. Associate Members pay $1150 per 10 x 10 and nonmembers pay $1500 per 10 x 10 but become an Associate Member for the year as well.


If you have any questions about anything, please email us at info@iwca.org.

The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.