ALI Ladder Safety and Citation Survey

Don’t Forget: Your Participation is Requested in ALI’s 2020 Ladder Safety and Citation Survey
Hi IWCA Members!
You’ve been invited to participate in American Ladder Institute’s (ALI) 2020 Ladder Safety and Citation Survey. This research is conducted to assess the effectiveness of ladder safety training in decreasing the number of ladder-related accidents, injuries and citations.
We’d like to hear from you regarding ladder-related safety training, injuries and OSHA citations at your company. By participating in this 15-minute survey, you will help improve safety training efforts and resources for ladder users.

15 minutes of your time could help save a life.
Please complete the survey by September 8, 2020.
Your individual responses will be completely anonymous and not connected to you or your company. Thank you in advance for your valuable input and commitment to safety!
Please contact us if you have any questions.
American Ladder Institute
American Ladder Institute
The American Ladder Institute (ALI) is a not-for-profit association dedicated to promoting safe ladder use and is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) approved developer of ladder safety standards.
330 N. Wabash Ave., Suite 2000
Chicago, IL 60611
Copyright © 2018. All Rights Reserved.

The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.