Author Archive for International Window Cleaning Association

IWCA Safety Director/Trainers Interview

A COLLABORATION OF SAFETY For Professional Window Cleaners December 14-15th, 2022 PETZL American Headquarters Salt Lake City, Utah

IWCA Technical Bulletin Number 2 – Roof Anchorage, Installation, Testing & Certification

IWCA Technical Bulletin Number 2-August 2022


When a rope descending system (RDS) is used on a building, OSHA regulations require a building owner to
inform the employer, in writing, that the building owner has identified, tested, certified, and maintained each
anchorage so it is capable of supporting at least 5,000 pounds (2268 kg), in any direction, for each employee

There is no definition for certification in OSHA, but all related American National Safety Standards define
certified as “accepted by design, evaluation or inspection by a registered professional engineer.”
When a professional engineer (P.E.) certifies a roof anchorage system, their evaluation and acceptance at a
minimum, should state the anchorages are certified to be capable of supporting 5,000lbs in any direction for
each employee attached. Variations could be considered if the intent is clear and verifies compliance with
OSHA and American National Safety Standards.

Some anchor companies state their anchors (anchorage connectors) are capable of supporting 5000lbs in any
direction and will not break or become detached. They also defer the ability of the structure to support the
loads applied by the anchor to be verified by someone else. That someone will need to be the P.E. who is
certifying the system……..Read more in the PDF attached.

2023 IWCA Convention Early Early Bird Pass is HERE TO PURCHASE FOR THE LOWEST PRICE EVER!

2023 IWCA Convention January 16th – 20th, 2023 Las Vegas, NV – Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino

Early Bird Pricing ends June 1st, 2022!! From $149 to $299 and $399 after June 1st, 2022.

Check out the 2022 IWCA Convention & Trade Show Video Here –>

¿Quieres unirte a la IWCA?

¿Quieres unirte a la IWCA?
Ahora es una buena oportunidad para ser parte de una organizacion que tiene la misión de promover el éxito de los miembros a través de estándares de seguridad, defensa de la educación e estudio.
Para los que ya forman parte de esta hermosa organizacion se les recuerda que tienen varios beneficios que pueden aprovechar.
No olvides comentar de que pais eres. Yo vivo en 🇺🇸 pero nací en 🇲🇽

Creating a Scalable Structure For 2022 ~ IWCA Member Webinar!

Free Business Webinar Creating A Scalable Structure in 2022

Do you have a structure that’s truly scalable? It’s often overlooked but creates ceilings that block your growth potential.

All too often, business owners grow their team out of necessity and don’t set up the structure with the future growth in mind.

It’s at these painful ceilings they see the need to adjust.

Dirk van Reenen and his BERGflow team, specialize in helping small and mid-size businesses with scalable structures, leadership development and even m&a’s.

In this FREE 45 min webinar, he’s going to share with you what he’s implemented in hundreds of growing companies. Don’t miss out! Dirk will hold a Q&A session to follow.

Tuesday 3/8 @ 6 pm CT

Click To Register

IWCA Association Group Health Insurance is HERE for Employers/Employees of any IWCA Company Members!!

Affordable Health Coverage Arrives

Affordable Healthcare has come to the window cleaning industry. Gone are the days when you need full employee participation, or a full census just to get a quote. Even if you were part of the lucky few who could offer health coverage to your people, the plans were usually high-deductible, which shifted most of the responsibility to the employee. To make matters worse is that these plans were still cost prohibitive to the business.

The Health Benefit Alliance (HBA), is designed to provide truly affordable, ACA-compliant, health insurance. It is built on copay plans, not high deductibles. There are customizable options with rates significantly lower compared to traditional health plans for IWCA member companies with 2 to 20K employees.

How is HBA different from Traditional Health Insurance?


Health Insurance HBA
High deductibles No deductible – $0
High co-insurance Reasonable co-pays
1 or 2 choices 11 options, each customizable
75% participation requirement 25% or less required
Employee and dependent census collection No census required
Variable rates based on age Same flat rate for all
Limited doctor and hospital network Access to the largest doctor network in the country and any hospital in the US
Expensive Rates as much as 40% lower
Only for full-time employees Open to ANY employee
50% minimum contribution No mandatory contribution


Get Started

IWCA is passionate about providing solutions that help our members attract and retain employees. Visit IWCA Medical Benefits to learn more. You can also download this PPT to learn more as well. IWCA Medical (1)

Safe Practices for Rope Descent Systems “Authorized” Training Class – Public Event – Sponsored by Expert Safety Services and Petzl! Sign up today!!

Safe Practices for Rope Descent Systems “Authorized” Training Class – Public Event – Sponsored by Expert Safety Services and Petzl

Awards Nominations Time for the 2022 IWCA Convention!

It’s Awards Nominations Time for the 2022 IWCA Convention! Each year we award a Window Cleaner of the Year, the Teresa Martin Scholarship Winner, the Maury Benamy Fellowship Winner, and the Photo Contest Winner! Read below to find out more about each and to submit a nomination. All are due by November 22nd, 2021!

*The Ettore Award Nomination and Voting is done separately. 

The Maury Benamy IWCA Fellowship Award

The IWCA Fellowship Award was created in the memory of IWCA founding member Maury Benamy. Maury was an outgoing, very approachable person, who made friends with everyone in our industry. He was a founding board member that brought people together since the onset of the IWCA. He was happy to share his knowledge of his 30 plus years of window cleaning experience with anyone.

In giving this award the IWCA honors an individual like Maury, who has a selfless approach to sharing knowledge, time and resources with our industry and association. This award is for someone unselfish, who advocates for and encourages the success of our industry without expectation of personal gain.

The IWCA Fellowship Award Nominee should be someone that has proven themselves willing to help others unreservedly, with character and kindness.

Nominate Now

The Window Cleaner of the Year

The Window Cleaner of the Year is given to a Window Cleaner who has gone above and beyond or done something exceptional throughout this year!

Nominate Now

The Teresa Martin Scholarship

For IWCA Members who have NOT attended an IWCA convention (this will be verified)

This scholarship covers the full conference registration fee and will be awarded to up to two (2) applications. It includes airfare, travel and hotel.

Download Scholarship Application Now

The Annual IWCA Photo Contest!

Please email us your photo submissions below. All photos must follow OSHA/IWCA Safety Standards to be eligible. Winners receive a free convention registration for the following year!

Email Photo Submissions Here

2022 IWCA Convention Registration for Vendors and Participants is HERE!

Hi All,

We wanted to let everyone know the IWCA Convention for 2022 has changed to February 7th – 11th, 2022.

It is at the Rosen Centre Hotel still in Orlando, FL. You can book rooms here for the IWCA discount rate of $144 which is incredibly cheap for the area for a five star hotel.


Early Bird Pricing is still in effect for registrations. The only extra classes are the four PWNA Certification Courses you’ll need to add on and pay for. The IWCA Courses, RDS Training, OSHA 1910, Paver Sealing and Cleaning, Lift Training are all free with a full registration. The trade show Wednesday and Thursday hours are absolutely free if you only come for that. You just have to leave a business card in the bowl by the door to enter.

Members can register for convention here. $249 per person. $75 each for the awards banquet.

Nonmembers can register for convention here.  $525 per person (Membership is only $199 per year – sign up and then save money on the convention ticket! $125 each for the awards banquet.

If you are a vendor and need to pay for your booth, you can do that here. If you don’t have a booth yet and see one you want on the layout below, you can choose here and pay today for it.

The rough draft of the schedule is here – IWCA2022Schedule w PWNA (1)

The Trade Show Layout  – IWCA 2022_Aug31_Exhibit Floorplan with Vendors in If any potential vendors are interested in booth spaces, you can email us at Associate Members pay $1150 per 10 x 10 and nonmembers pay $1500 per 10 x 10 but become an Associate Member for the year as well.


If you have any questions about anything, please email us at

The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.