Archive for News and Press – Page 12

IWCA Request/Clarification Statement from The White House on “Essential”

*The IWCA recommends as a company, you make the best decision you can for your employees, yourself, and the public’s health. Checking with legal and your state on your own for clarification of essential is important besides just hearing from us. We do not believe, even if deemed “Essential”, you should keep working if you have not trained your employees on the risks, put proper safety measures in place, provided the proper PPE and procedures to protect the public, the employee, or yourself form contracting the virus or spreading it. You should also let the business or residence make the decision to have you continue cleaning or not as well.


IWCA Statement to the Department of Labor for Sick Leave Exemptions for all cleaning companies throughout the country – DOL Letter IWCA Members Exemptions Under 50 FFCRA


Update on our IWCA White House Clarification Letter



The President

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave, NW

Washington, DC 20500


Dear Mr. President:


Thank you for your massive effort to protect the American people and overcome the pandemic crisis. We truly appreciate the decisions made and path being followed to protect our society, our people, and our economy.


The International Window Cleaning Association (IWCA) is now in its 31st year of existence. Our Association was formed as professional window cleaners across the country and internationally came together to educate our industry, keep our workers safe, and protect them from falls from heights.  Over the years, our efforts have reduced falls significantly in our industry and deaths have dwindled to zero. These results are due largely in part to our working relationship with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), which includes an OSHA Alliance and Ambassadorship; both of which we are incredibly proud of and thankful for.


Our communities and states are starting to shut down as we overcome this pandemic together. We truly appreciate being able to band together to stop this invisible enemy. As an Association dedicated to the safety and health of people in our industry, our Board of Directors and member companies are completely committed to this as well. We believe this is in the best interest of the American people and the best way to slow this infection down so we can all get back to work as soon as possible.


We strongly believe our services are a valuable part of combating and slowing down the spread of this disease. According to the Journal of Hospital Infections we understand that the survival time on glass surfaces for this virus has been shown by to be between 4-5 days. This amount of time without cleaning and disinfecting the surface of glass and windows can increase the spread and prolong the time we spend in quarantine while following “stay at home” orders in our communities. We also believe any type of cleaning is critically needed to reduce overall health issues and to aid in strengthening immune systems during this time. In addition, many of our companies provide exterior façade cleaning, power washing, and soft washing services to increase the benefit of our cleaning services to combat this virus. We believe the additional services should also be considered, “Essential”. Together the services have the greatest impact to reduce the spread of the virus.


The professionals in our industry have the means of being part of the solution and feel it is our responsibility, nay, our duty, to help protect our citizens and our communities.


Based on our belief, we are asking for a clarification statement from the Office of the President to our states and communities around the country to include window and building cleaning services as an “essential” business during this time of crisis.


We believe window and building cleaning should be an essential part of sanitation efforts around the country and it should be a cleaning service the White House and our Government recommends to commercial buildings, residential buildings, and businesses while they are open; or while closed and prior to re-opening.


Thank you for your attention to this issue as a way to increase the protection from infection in residential homes, commercial facilities, and high rise buildings in our country.




Paul Collum – IWCA President


CC:       The Honorable Chad F. Wolf

Acting Secretary – Department of Homeland Security


The Honorable Alex M. Azar II

Secretary – Department of Health and Human Services


The Honorable Elaine Chao

Secretary – Department of Transportation



IWCA – International Window Cleaning Association

800-875-4922 ~  ~

COVID19 Resources & Supplies Submission Form

The IWCA would like to have suppliers and companies who sell or have stock of cleaning products, chemicals, detergents, disinfectants, tools, PPE Supplies, Masks, Gloves, and any other product which can help cleaning companies and emergency responders get the proper supplies they need to post their information, logos, and links to their product websites or contact information. Please do not post pricing in this page. Posts will be in first come order. We will be asking other associations and organizations to post this link on their pages as well. Please help all you can so we can get this slowed down, save lives, and get companies back to work!


COVID19 Resources For Employers, Employees, and Families

*The IWCA recommends as a company, you make the best decision you can for your employees, yourself, and the public’s health. Checking with legal and your state on your own for clarification of essential is important besides just hearing from us. We do not believe, even if deemed “Essential”, you should keep working if you have not trained your employees on the risks, put proper safety measures in place, provided the proper PPE and procedures to protect the public, the employee, or yourself form contracting the virus or spreading it. You should also let the business or residence make the decision to have you continue cleaning or not as well.


Window Cleaning Is Essential Marketing Video: Window Cleaning Is Essential


New York Cleaning Guidance Report:


COVID Resources from our Accountant:


My PPP Loan was approved now what?:


ISSA Advocacy Center – Get Involved signing petitions to push forward some initiatives to help with PPP, Essential, and the Cleaning Tax Credits:


Housecall Pro Coronavirus Resources:


OSHA Recording for COVID Illness:


J Racenstein Article for How Long the Virus stays on Surfaces and cleaning specs:


What do you do if your employee tested positive?:


Update on the Stimulus Plan:


Coronavirus Tax Breaks:




Paycheck Protection Program Guide


Family First Act:


SBA Loan Forgiveness:


American Workers to Receive Paid Sick Leave

US Chamber Letter, Coronavirus_Essential_Infrastructure_Business_Letter_Final, to the President on “Essential” and their website with tons of information for employers and employees.


IRS Filing Extension Info:


Small Business Loans/Information:


Great list of Small Business Resources from the Government, Local States, and Online resources for Credit Cards, Loans, Software Programs, etc.


Employers and Employees should check with each state and area for Unemployment Options. Many states are offering no wait benefits. It will potentially take care of your employees and safe the company the costs if you need to shut down or slow down. You should also check with states and cities for options for food pantries, food stamps and programs, and many non profit organizations helping out with food options in this crisis. Many schools are offering meals for breakfast and lunch while students are out if any employees have kids.


All should check with local utility companies, loans, payments, anything you have open currently. Many companies are waiving payments, fees, and offering free resources all around the country. SBA has emergency paperwork you can file for disaster planning. You can also file creditor and loan hardship forms to push payments back for the time we need.


Are your businesses considered “Essential” and allowed to stay open? We believe in most cases yes as a sanitation and cleaning business. Please check with your local city leaders but as we see in a few cities, you are allowed to keep operating.


How you can help small business from Bankrate:


How do cleaning proposals change?:–25375


COVID Apple Store App:


ISSA/P&G Infection and Cleaning Certificate Training:


Coronavirus Anxiety and Stress Manual:


Pivoting Your Business Questionnaire: Pivoting Questionnaire


If employees are still working, consider moving to one person per vehicle, training on hygiene, precautions, and PPE usage.


Contractors Playbook:


Customer Education Letter Examples to Reduce Cancellations (Can you keep customers on the schedule? Yes you can if you have a plan!) *As a reminder the IWCA does not claim to be experts in what product kills the virus nor do we recommend you claim you can kill it 100% no matter what product you use, even if the CDC/EPA tell you they can: Customer Education Letters – Corona Virus


Customer Education Infographic Example:


Customer Letter Example for Sales and Estimating (Can you keep selling new customers? Yes you can with a plan and consistently selling!): Coronavirus_Letter_to_Customers for in person sales meetings example


Education Committee Newsletter – Thoughts on Operating Through this: blog 3-11-2020


Add On Services Other IWCA Companies are adding to keep business & residential coming in (More to come….): Soft washing and Power Washing. Outside Only Cleanings. Wiping down handles and often touched services. Wiping down shopping carts and handles. Marketing to high need businesses – Medical Facilities, Schools, Grocery Stores, Churches, Property Managers, Government Buildings, etc. Adding recommended EPA sanitizing agents to their cleaning solutions.


Employee PowerPoint Training: CoronaPPTEmployeeTraining


What each Business and Business Owner Can Do to Minimize the threat:



Here are two documents from the CDC and OSHA on preparation and prevention for the COVID Virus. Please read them and utilize the information in them.

Cleaning Product Recommendations to Disinfect for COVID

OSHA Guidance Document on Preparing the Workplace –


White House Corona Virus Guidance:


EPA Website:


ISSA Website:


Surface Lifespan Study and How to Effectively Clean:


Developing Cleaning Programs:–25242


Basic Cleaning Process Info-graphic:


Household cleaners which may kill the virus:


Do not mix these chemicals:


Workiz How Service Businesses Can Protect Themselves:

Tucker/RHG USA Info-graphic on a plan of attack right now for your business:



Daily Schedule for Kids at Home:


Science Experiments for Kids:


Free Tutoring:


Virtual Classroom to Learn At Home:


Other Free Education Resources If Schools Close: Resources for Free if Schools Close


Giant List of Ideas for Kids:


Virtual Field Trips to Take with Your Kids:


More Virtual Field Trip Options:


Virtual Tour of 33 National Parks:


Live Zoo Cams:


Museums Around The World with Virtual Tours:


DIY Hand Sanitizer:


Homemade Pasta:


Best Foods if you need to be stationary for awhile:


Banana Bread Recipe from old Bananas:


Example of a grocery list and procedures:


Homemade Bread:

COVID19 PowerPoint to Talk to Your Staff with links to CDC/OSHA/EPA/ISSA Guidelines

Below is an Educational PowerPoint to talk through the COVID19 Virus with your staff. All information is from the CDC and OSHA Guidelines and any claims you make to customers should have some solid education and guidance behind them from reputable sources. The last slide has some links to the CDC, ISSA, OSHA, and EPA websites for safe practices and cleaning products approved to reduce the risk of COVID19 spreading.


OSHA Guidance on COVID Preparation in the Workplace – CDC Cleaning Products Recommendations

Here are two documents from the CDC and OSHA on preparation and prevention for the COVID Virus. Please read them and utilize the information in them.

Cleaning Product Reccomendations to Disinfect for COVID –

OSHA Guidance Document on Preparing the Workplace –

Coordinating Credit Card and ACH Acceptance Can Lead to Robust AR Strategy

Coordinating Credit Card and ACH Acceptance Can Lead to Robust AR Strategy

February 2020

B2B companies are constantly looking to put the buying power in the customers’ hands. As the automated B2B payment space continues to grow rapidly, it is worth noting that 51% of all B2B payments are still being made with paper checks. Bank of America estimates that a single business check can cost anywhere from $4 to $20 once the time and cost of invoice creation, mailing, collecting, and reconciling the check are all accounted for.

It’s time to eliminate paper and lean on ACH payments or credit card payments. Both have their advantages and it’s important as a company to process both. We look at the benefits of each and how coordinating the two can help you build a more robust AR strategy.

Size of transactions vs. volume of transactions

It’s all about customer preference at the end of the day. For example, if a company is bringing in $1 billion from 100 customers, that equates to $10 million per transaction. In this case, a check, or electronic check (e-check) would be the most effective way to collect that payment.

On the flipside, if you are selling nuts and bolts to 50,000 customers at an average order of $5, there are too many invoices to manually process paper checks, so credit card payments would be more effective. The simplest way is to put the power in the customers’ hands.

Advantages of credit cards
On average, sales increase 17% for B2B companies that offer credit card payment options to their customers. Increasing the acceptance of credit card payments for all transactions allows B2B companies to:

  • Accelerate cash flow
  • Skip long invoicing procedures
  • Forgo waiting for payments
  • Receive payment instantly
  • Avoid the high cost of manually processing checks

The more expensive your invoices are, the more likely you are to use checks or ACH and avoid credit card fees. For example, if you have a credit card transaction of $100k at a cost of 2.5% in fees, that is $2,500. For that cost, you could fly from New York to San Francisco, stay there three nights, order a bottle of wine, and personally collect the check from your customer. The 15 minutes of time it would take you to process the check could save you $2,500.

B2B companies are accustomed to receiving checks for a majority of transactions, but electronic payments are becoming more commonplace. Customers are now using apps for their personal banking and mobile commerce for products and services. According to data from NACHA and the Credit Research Foundation, “Accounts receivables professionals expect the portion of ACH payments received to increase to 45 percent by 2020.” It’s time to move to digital payments because accepting checks can prove costly for your B2B company at the end of the day.

A good B2B payment gateway allows merchants to accept a variety of payments, including ACH, credit cards, and debit cards, and integrate with suppliers and customers in a seamless manner. Making the most out of your gateway allows you to streamline both payments and improve your AR strategy.

11 Service Business Experts Share Their Best Customer Service Tips


Offering great customer service not only sets you apart from competitors, but it also helps your business become more sustainable by encouraging repeat customers.

We chatted with eleven field service business entrepreneurs and they shared their best customer service tips that you can start implementing in your own business.

1. Practice empathy

“When it comes to customer service, the biggest thing I’ve learned is to have empathy. In other words, to put myself in my customer’s shoes. It’s always easy to say ‘I don’t know if the customer is right on that one’ or ‘I don’t know what the customer is thinking,’ but if you put yourself in their shoes and understand where they’re coming from you’ll be able to communicate better and provide better customer service. Empathy is something we can all use a little bit more of.” – Allyn Hane, The Lawn Care Nut


Women in the Industry Survey!

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2021 Convention Registration is OPEN!

2021 IWCA Convention Pricing List




COVID Health Questions App Instructions *Needs completed each morning to show us the green check mark

COVID Safety Waiver *Needs filled out prior to the event


2021 IWCA Prospectus & Sponsorship Opportunities

Room Booking Link ($79 a night for IWCA’s Discounted Rate):  Orlando Booking Link Click Here!

Trade Show Booth Spaces: IWCA Exhibit Floorplan

2021 IWCA Booth Space Numbering

Updated Convention Training and Educational Sessions Schedule:IWCA2021Schedule 

*to register for the PWNA/Abrams Class for Monday March 22nd, 2021, please click HERE


Get your 2021 IWCA Convention Gear Now! Order by March 1, 2021!

Order by March 1, 2021 for Delivery at the 2021 IWCA Convention March 22-26th. The store will close on March 1st so don’t miss out!


March 22-26th, 2021 Orlando, FL

Doubletree Hilton Orlando at SeaWorld

Certifications Courses Monday March 22nd, 2021

Convention runs from Tuesday March 23rd, 2021 until Friday March 26th, 2021.


OSHA 2020 Outlook


How might 2020 be shaping up for OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)? Here are some key points of interest to contemplate.

1. OSHA Leader?

The start of 2020 for OSHA looks just like the start of 2019 – without a confirmed leader. Currently Loren Sweatt, who is the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, is still the acting Assistant Secretary of Labor. President Trump nominated Scott Mugno in October of 2017, but Mungo’s confirmation was delayed and then he withdrew himself from the process in May of 2019.

2. 2020 Budget? Read more here…..



The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.