IWCA Resource for the Restoration of Architectural Glass and Solar Panels

DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this guide was compiled from various industry sources and represents the current best methods and practices employed for the commercial cleaning of glass. This guide is presented for informational purposes only.

Any information contained herein is not intended to constitute legal advice and, accordingly, all members and users of this guide should consult with local attorneys, insurance providers, and/or any other specific content experts when developing/deploying and implementing these programs and policies.

The IWCA assumes no liability in connection with this publication, sample policies, and procedures, including any information, methods, or suggestions contained herein.

The IWCA recommends that members and users of this guide follow all glass manufacturer recommendations and specifications and obtain signed damage waivers prior to commencement of any work performed which is considered non-routine to help safeguard from any perceived or real liabilities.

Additional information can be found at

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