IWCA/GlassRenu Webinar: How to properly assess surface damage on glass for Professional Window Cleaners.

Title:                How to properly assess surface damage on glass for Professional Window Cleaners.

Date:               6/2/2020

Time:               3pm EST (12 noon PST)

WHERE:          Zoom Conference Call




                                    As Professional Window Cleaners our customers look to us as experts in glass cleaning and restoration.  Whether the cleaning is routine or non-routine cleaning it is important that you understand how to assess different surface damage on the glass and understand the different methodologies available to remove it.  We will be discussing damage ranging from hard water staining and building run-off to deep scratch tag graffiti and everything in between.  This seminar is set for a 30 min lecture and 30 min of open Q&A on any glass restoration topic.  Join us and learn how to expand your glass restoration service offerings.


Who:   This seminar will be led by Cody Thomas, founder of GlassRenu and IWCA member.


Cost:    FREE to IWCA members


Certificate: Certificate of Completion on sign in and full attendance of the live webinar. Verification will be per sign in with zoom’s attendee tracking. Should a member company sit multiple employees around one computer they will need to email prior with names and send a photo verification during the webinar to the same email. Confirmed Certificates will email a few days later.


Registration Required:

The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.