IWCA Technical Bulletin Number 2 – Roof Anchorage, Installation, Testing & Certification

IWCA Technical Bulletin Number 2-August 2022


When a rope descending system (RDS) is used on a building, OSHA regulations require a building owner to
inform the employer, in writing, that the building owner has identified, tested, certified, and maintained each
anchorage so it is capable of supporting at least 5,000 pounds (2268 kg), in any direction, for each employee

There is no definition for certification in OSHA, but all related American National Safety Standards define
certified as “accepted by design, evaluation or inspection by a registered professional engineer.”
When a professional engineer (P.E.) certifies a roof anchorage system, their evaluation and acceptance at a
minimum, should state the anchorages are certified to be capable of supporting 5,000lbs in any direction for
each employee attached. Variations could be considered if the intent is clear and verifies compliance with
OSHA and American National Safety Standards.

Some anchor companies state their anchors (anchorage connectors) are capable of supporting 5000lbs in any
direction and will not break or become detached. They also defer the ability of the structure to support the
loads applied by the anchor to be verified by someone else. That someone will need to be the P.E. who is
certifying the system……..Read more in the PDF attached.

The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.