Safety Reminder

January 6, 2016

By Albert Bernal, Millennium Building Services, Inc.

With winter approaching, here are a few important and helpful things to keep in mind:

1. Driving:

  • Make sure your vehicle is equipped with proper traction devices.
  • Rule of thumb states to keep three car lengths between yourself and the car in front of you. However, in slippery conditions this space should be increased to at least five car lengths.
  • Drive at slower speeds, allowing more control of your vehicle.
  • Try to keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times.
  • Try not to talk on the phone or use your radios while driving. Keep in mind that in the State of Washington & Oregon it is illegal to operate any electronic device while driving a motor vehicle.
  • Use your turn signals within 500 ft. of your turn. This gives the vehicle behind you plenty of time to make their adjustments.
  • Use all of your mirrors, and keep an eye on blind spots.

2. Walking:

  • You should always wear shoes according to the weather. In slippery conditions wear some sort of boot or shoe with traction. They should also preferably be waterproof.
  • Make good contact with the ground. Your footing should be strong and firm.
  • Take smaller steps then normal.
  • Use a walking stick if possible.

3. Clothing:

  • Wear clothes that are designed for cold and wet conditions. Cotton clothing is the worst choice, where as wool is the best.
  • Most of the body’s heat escapes from the head so choosing the proper headgear is very important.
  • Wear gloves whenever possible. If working around water, try to wear waterproof gloves.

Always using common sense will help keep you safe this winter season. Contact your safety committee or your direct supervisor if you have any questions.

The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.