Training, Training, Training…it’s a Never Ending Commitment

October 19, 2015

Our business started like many others…one man, a dream, and lots of hard work. Over the years as the company grew, more people have been added to the mix. As more people were added, the need to continuity became more of a challenge. Most days, it seemed easier to do everything, than to teach it…there is the trap that most business owners (and parents for that matter) fall into.

The secret to growing and having a business flourish is to share knowledge. All people crave it, whether they admit it or not. Every year we come up with new ways to teach the basics in our business. At the same time, we are attempting to challenge those individuals that mastered the basics. Through their development, I also grow my knowledge as a leader, teacher, and mentor.

Just when our employees tire of our voices, we find new ones to teach them. That is what we count on the IWCA to help with. Many of our people have gone through the safety training course. To become a “Level II” window cleaner in our company an employee has to complete that course as well as be certified by the IWCA in either highrise or route/residential. This year we are bringing 5-6 employees to Florida for those trainings & certifications. As a result we have safer, smarter, and more professional cleaners on our staff. Doesn’t everyone want that in their operation? Buy a new truck, or educate a loyal workforce…to us the employees are a better long term investment.

The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.