Webinar/Slides – Michigan OSHA’s New COVID-19 Emergency Rule

Michigan OSHA’s New COVID-19 Emergency Rule

Copy of the Slides: MIOSHA_COVID_Emergency_Rule_Oct_2020_

Link to the Webinar Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYqijStrZ0k&feature=youtu.be


Presented by:
Eric J. Conn and Aaron R. Gelb
on Thurs., October 29th at 11:00 AM ET / 10:00 AM CT

When the MI Supreme Court struck down Gov. Whitmer’s COVID-19 Executive Orders, MI OSHA responded quickly to fill the void, and last week issued a series of COVID-19 Emergency Regulations. When Gov. Whitmer signed the “Emergency Rules Order,” Michigan became only the second state in the country with a set of enforceable, COVID-19 specific regulations. While many of the requirements set forth in the new rules mirror the Governor’s prior EOs, having a prescriptive rule in place makes it that much easier for MI OSHA to issue citations to employers.

Given MI OSHA’s aggressive use of the General Duty Clause to support a series of citations after an inspection blitz over the summer, Michigan employers should expect enforcement to continue in a similar manner, making compliance with these rules all the more important.  Participants in this webinar will learn about the requirements of MIOSHA’s COVID-19 emergency rules and steps to take to avoid citations, including:

  • Conducting COVID-19 hazard assessments
  • Developing and implementing a written exposure preparedness and response plan
  • Adopting workplace controls and safe work practices
  • Training for employees
  • Recordkeeping requirements

The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.