Why Are We Members of the IWCA?



OSHA Alliance: The IWCA is proud to continue our alliance with OSHA. Safety is paramount and the IWCA and OSHA are committed to providing IWCA members with information and access to training resources that helps them protect the health and safety of workers.

Expertise/Resource on OSHA Walking Working Surfaces Rule:  New OSHA regulations are now in place for everyone – Route, Residential and Rope Access companies. IWCA is leading the way to help you get and stay informed and compliant. All IWCA Training and Education resources available to you are WWS compliant. There is a permanent link on the homepage of the IWCA website that takes you right to this new nationwide standard.

Safety Certification Programs: The IWCA Safety Certification Program is the premiere training program for making safe and effective window cleaners. Window Cleaners can be certified in five different areas, and annual re-certification helps you document your record of ongoing safety training. All certification courses are available in both English and Spanish, and the courses may be completely remotely. IWCA Members receive a 60% discount on all certifications.

Hands-On Safety Training: IWCA offers opportunities throughout the year for companies to receive Hands-On training, both from our own Safety Director and from partnerships with other industry associations. Members can bring safety training directly to employees with our customized Safety Training Program or join us for an IWCA-hosted training event with our industry colleagues and affiliate trainers.

Toolbox Talk Tuesdays: IWCA members receive a weekly Toolbox Talks focused on a specific safety topic. Once a week you open an email and have an instant safety meeting with your crew! It’s that easy to stay up-to-date on the OSHA requirement for employers to provide ongoing safety training to employees. All Toolbox Talks are available in both English and Spanish, and can be downloaded, printed and signed for your records.

Online Training with Campus IWCA: Campus IWCA is your number one resource for comprehensive, online training. Courses are available that will educate both seasoned employees and new hires. The Campus IWCA course catalog includes hosted courses in general industry best practices, and OSHA-compliant courses designed by the IWCA specifically for window cleaners. Our Foundations of Window Cleaning course is the fastest way to get a new window cleaner trained to the OSHA standard of “competent” to clean commercially, and is available as a single enrollment or in multiple-learner packs. In addition to these courses, for which members receive significant discounts, there are additional downloadable resources and webinar presentations in glass surface information, OSHA compliance, and ownership/management issues that are available only to Members, absolutely FREE.

IWCA Annual Convention & Trade Show: IWCA Members receive substantial discounts to the IWCA Annual Convention and Trade Show. We provide opportunities not just for buyers and sellers, but for the managers who keep the team on track, the office staff who mind your books, and for the ground-level technicians that do the work. Every single employee in your organization has something to gain by attending the IWCA Convention:

  • Education: Our Convention offers multi-tracked education and training pathways, ensuring there is something for every person at your company – owners, managers and technicians. No one offers more educational opportunities. In 2020, we are offering a one-stop shop for technicians to receive certifications or certificates of completion in up to ten different areas of study and training, including ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Softwash, Pressure Washing and Christmas Light Installation. Owners and managers will be offered seminars in everything from ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­saving on expenses to recruiting the best hires. And all attendees are sure to enjoy and gain insight from our keynote speaker Tommy Mello, Home Service Expert.
  • Trade Show: The Convention offers the best chance to meet with inventors, vendors, owners and representatives of our industry’s leading companies. From the newest squeegee enhancement, the longest water-fed pole, a new man-lift, or an entire new software system to manage your company – you’ll find it at the IWCA Convention.
  • Networking & Fellowship : Each year one of the biggest benefits to you as a member is the combined knowledge and experience of the other well-educated and professional window cleaning owners throughout the country. Some are third generation window cleaning owners and have had a business operating for 75 plus years and some are owner-operators just starting out. All offer opportunities for you grow your knowledge and experience, and to get excited about the accomplishments of your compatriots. From deep-dive conversations at the roundtables, to the friendly competition of the window cleaning contests, to the closing night party and Annual Awards Dinner, the Convention reminds us that we’re all part of an Association of professionals that is deeply invested in the success of each and every member.

IWCA Gives Back: The IWCA is committed to being part of our greater community. Each year at our Annual Convention we work with a local charity in our host city to share our time and resources. Window cleaners from across the country gather for a day and provide a free window cleaning for the charity’s building, and any IWCA member is welcome to participate. The proceeds from our Annual Silent Auction go to the Theresa Martin Scholarship Fund, an award that allows a window cleaner that otherwise might not be able to attend to join us for the convention, with an additional gift to other charities.

Glass Research & Outreach:   Our glass-related outreach program is quickly becoming a model of cross-industry cooperation in the service of high professional standards for the care of glass.  The IWCA is a recognized continuing education credit provider for the AIA. Our presentations to AIA & NGA regional and national conferences help showcase the need for proper job site glass protection. Our research into glass surface anomalies and characteristics continues through our ongoing relationship with a world renown research center, and a multiple patent holding PhD working on these projects. Our research has already led to ground breaking revelations, and more are sure to come. IWCA is leading the way on the subject of glass surface anomalies and the importance of protection through our original research, our ongoing relationship with NGA (formerly GANA) and our seat on the ASTM Glass Tempering Standards group.

IWCA Glass Information Bulletins:   These bulletins are window cleaner friendly and are available for free. The GIB highlights the use of pure water technology, discusses the need to protect glass and the need to educate builders, recommends multiple cleanings during extended construction schedules, recognizes scraper and alternative method use, and the GIB encourages the hiring of IWCA members. These bulletins are available for free. We are committed to helping educate builders and clients about the importance of hiring crew that are trained in glass surface issues, and soon, much like our safety training, members will be able to receive a complete and documented education in Glass Surfaces.

 No one does more for you than IWCA. Your continued support ensures we can reach even higher in the future.



The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.