Work, Try, Fail

January 29, 2016

By Raymond Carle, Excel Projects

The window cleaning season is starting again and soon we will all want to be ready for the mountain of work that will hopefully await us all.

But as with us all, we have questions and doubts about where the cards will land.  Did we prepare enough?  Are we possibly missing something?  Is there an easier way to make it through?

Thomas Edison once said “Opportunity is missed by most people because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work”.

People are always looking for the easy way to make it ahead but unfortunately, the road to wealth isn’t paved in gold.  It’s paved with heartaches of people who’ve failed.  On my office wall, I have a poster with this following quote.  “If I haven’t made a mistake today, then I haven’t tried hard enough”.    I’ve succeeded because I’ve failed many times.  I’m getting ahead faster than anyone else because I’ve made more mistakes than anyone else.  It sounds contradictory, but it’s true.

It’s also strange to think that hard work and luck go hand in hand but they really do.  Keep trying.  Keep working.  We have two eyes and two ears so we can listen and watch twice as much as we talk.  You’ll see and hear about so many opportunities but you have to be ready to work hard for it and prepare to fail.  If it’s not you that makes the attempts, somebody else will.

The IWCA office will be closed on Thursday, July 4 & Friday, July 5.